Ask anyone who regularly goes to the supermarket, or even the partner of the main food buyer, and they will say saving money on their food bill each week would be fantastic. There’s always something else to put the money towards. If you can save $500 in a year by just changing some simple habits, then that equates to registering your car or perhaps paying most of your house insurance, or having a weekend away (either a wonderful romantic one, or taking the kids somewhere special).

Saving money Tip No 1. Make a list. And stick to it!!!!!!

Yes, I know that sounds crazy. But how often have you just gone to the supermarket for a couple of things, so not bothered to make a list? Then, when you get there, you are tempted with the specials at the end of the aisle, and you also can’t remember whether you have that other item, so you buy it just in case? (only to find that you did have it, and now you have too much). Being tempted like this can add up to another $20 or $30 that you didn’t intend to spend.

Saving money Tip No 2. Plan ahead.

Work out roughly what you would like to make for the next couple of meals and buy what you need in one go. Also, be aware of the type of foods you buy regularly, so you can keep an eye out for when they are one special. Buy double the amount and pop half in the freezer. Over time, you will have a stockpile of regularly used items such as chicken breasts, mince or sausages – all at a discount price, and saving you money over the space of just a month!

Saving money Tip No 3. Dont go to the supermarket when you are hungry.

Yes, this is another logical thing, but we all do it. Usually at the end of our work day, when we’ve only just figured out what we want to make for tea that night. But, being tired and hungry means we have a strong tendency to buy about 20% more than we need, or intended. And, we also tend to buy items that are higher in sugars and carbohydrates, because that is what our brain tells us would make us feel better right now! These items are usually more expensive, and don’t have the lasting nutritional value to keep us from being hungry again. There’s another $30 in the basket we could save.

None of these saving money tips mean you have to change WHAT you eat, just HOW YOU BUY IT!

And for a final tip, when the extra large chickens are on sale (usually $3/kg), pop one in the oven to roast, then strip the meat off it and freeze in meal sizes. You will have ready-made sandwich fillings, roast chicken to add to a risotto, or something to fill out a stir fry for the hungry teenagers. This works out at $3.50/kg for a sandwich filling, instead of ham from the deli at $16/kg. And is much healthier.

r.chicken in cryovac

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