Introducing solids
As a first time Mum it can be daunting thinking about what to start your little person on with solid food. Yes, I know it can be easier to buy ready made jars. But wouldn’t it be so much better if you could make stuff yourself. And know that it’s healthier and cheaper!!
Wouldn’t it be great to develop the confidence to be able to try new tastes and textures without over thinking it? There’s so much information out there, but how do you sift through it all? And then, actually make it. That can take so much time. And that is time, as a first time Mum, you usually don’t have.
Baby led weaning – they eat what you eat

Part of what we work together on is giving you the confidence to try all sorts of foods with your child. And how to introduce new foods without overwhelming them. How wonderful when your child sits with a plate of mixed food and enjoys them all. And experiments with new flavours and textures.

What we can do together
As part of this program we look at simple, economical ways you can provide yummy food for your family. Sometimes it’s just a matter of thinking a little bit differently. We look at what you are eating, and how it might affect your energy levels. Because we all know that having a new person to be responsible for is exhausting quite a lot of the time!! I know that I never appreciated sleep more than when I had a baby. Good nutrition is essential for keeping up those energy levels.
Get some friends together to do this program as a group. They are such a wonderful way to ask questions – however simple. Hear stories from other first time mums. And realise that you’re not alone in worrying about what to do. You go home with loads of tips about simple food. Saving time. Not spending a fortune on special food.
Sounds great, doesn’t it!